if you are not into japanese manga, just skip this post, or your brain will get screwed.
But if you have the guts to know more about this anime, stay tune~
Konnichiwa minna :D
Im going to intrduce you to One Piece, a masterpiece from Eiichiro Oda Sensei.
One Piece is a story about pirates, in one piece world, after the king of pirates Gol D Roger stated his final words,
"My treasure?I'll give it to you!I left the all in that place!find it!"
the world drown into great age of pirates. Everyone sailing to find the One Piece, included Monkey.D.Luffy who wants to be the next Pirate king.
So, on this post I need som help from some creatures
Whats?Here's Luffy
and Ace
I know Ace is dead already, but just accept his pressence would you? He is my favourite *sparkling eyes*
First we will tell you about the character
L:Pirates is pirates...
A:of course, baka.
are sooo many pirates crew on this story from the
unknown-unimportant-pirates that easily catched by marines, and also the
strongest crew like yonko(the big 4 pirates emperor), shicibukai(7 sea
warlord), and the roger pirates(the pirate king crew).Where should i start?
L: Start from my crew!!my crew!!
Okay, okay, please start luffy..Straw Hats Pirates
The main Protagonist of this manga.
Saa!!This is The Best crew ever!! Me as the Captain!
My crew consist of strongest swords man Zoro!
He have bounty of 120.000.000!! He is strong!!But he is not that smart, because he always get lost!hahahaha!!
Zoro: what the?!Luffy!
Sanji: Baka marimo
Zoro: Shut up you ero cook!Sanji: nani?!!
ah!thats sanji, our cook! His food are the best!!
Sanji: pleasure to meet you ladies, Im Sanji...
Now!here's franky!
Sanji: Oyy luffy!
Franky: awww!Suppeeeerrrr!!
Franky: ore wa cyborg Franky! *robot talk*
Chopper: cool! *v*
Luffy : Cool!! ah, this is our doctor Chopper
Chopper: eh?!eh..ore, ore wa tony tony chopper
Kawaiiiiiii~~~ XD
Robin: Kawai ne?our doctor fufufu
Sanji: Robin-chwannnn!!!this is he jewel of strawhat pirates our lovely arkeolog Robin-chwan~~
Sanji!!dont steal away my part!
Nami: whats with all this fuss?im working on my map!
Sanji: and our cute navigator Nami-swan~~
Nami: o,oh..konnichiwa..
Sanji: so cute!nami-swan!!
Zoro: Ero cook...
Brook: yohohoho~ what a happy crew to see with my eyes, though i dont have eyes!yohohoho!
Ahahahah!!This bone is Brook!our newest member!!
Brook: yoroshiku minna-san..would you show me your pan- *slaped* yohohoho!that slaps went throuh my bone, though im only bone!
Ussop: what are you doing?
ooh!!Ussop!!we are introducing our self!
ussop: sou ka??
Its your turn Ussop!
Ussop: yosh!!Ore wa Ussop!the brave warior of the sea!I have beat hundred pirates in a class like crocodile, and even shirohige!
Chopper: hontouuu?!!!
Ahn?so you really can beat me then... *smirks*
Ussop: waaa!!iee!iee Ace-san, i was joking!joking!!
![]() | |
The Yonkou |
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Akagami Pirates |
Thats Shanks!The captain of Akagami, he's the one who gave me this straw hat!
and thats yassop!ussop's father!!
Luffy's strawhat originally is Gol D Roger's, Ace's father
My only father is Shirohige!
Talking about shirohige here is shirohige pirates
Shirohige Pirates is a big Pirates crew under Oyaji command, The Great Shirohige treats us as his Son, thats why we bond together like a family. We have 16 division, and every division consist of about 100 man. So, the total of our crew is about 1.600
1.601 with oyaji..
Marco: You forgot to count Oyaji?reckless kid.
Whitebeard: Gurararara, whats the matter Ace?
I said 'about', i never come to every ships and count all of the crew member!You may ask to their own commander, im sure they even dint know the exact number.
Marco: i know the exact number..
O,oy Marco, just shut up
Just ask the commander!Here's the commander list
- Division Commander #01: "Phoenix" Marco
- Division Commander #02: "Fire Fist" Portgas D. Ace
- Division Commander #03: "Diamond" Jozu
- Division Commander #04: Thatch (deceased)
- Division Commander #05: "Flower Sword" Vista
- Division Commander #06: Blamenco
- Division Commander #07: Rakuyo
- Division Commander #08: Namur
- Division Commander #09: Blenheim
- Division Commander #10: Curiel
- Division Commander #11: Kingdew
- Division Commander #12: Haruta
- Division Commander #13: "Water Buffalo" Atmos
- Division Commander #14: Speed Jiru
- Division Commander #15: Fossa
- Division Commander #16: Izo
Im the second division commander, while Marco on the first, but it doesnt mean that he's stronger than me...
Marco: what the hell?
And just because his fire are blue, doesnt mean he's hotter than me...
Marco: cut the crap off!
Should I introduce all of the crew?
No, Ace, you dont need to
But you let Luffy introduce ALL of his crew
Izo: we have 1.600 crew
Izo: 1.601 crews, and we need more that one post to introducing them all.
Thankyou Izo!beside i give a link to the onepiece wikia :D
Shicibukai means Seven Warlord Sea, they are the pirates which work with the world goverment. But they didnt have any respect to the world goverment.
Ace were ever asked to be shicibukai, but he refused~Shicibukai list
1.Donquixote Doflaminggo
2.Boa Hancock
3.Dracule Mihawk
4.Gecko Moria
5.Jinbei (former)
6.Crocodile (former)
7.Bartholomew Kuma
9.Trafalgar Law
World Goverment
Marine is a world goverment soldier which have duty to chase after pirates.
The rank of marine
- Fleet Admiral (元帥 Gensui?) : sengoku(former)
- Admiral (大将 Taishō?) : kizaru,akainu,aokiji
- Vice Admiral (中将 Chūjō?) : Monkey D Garp
- Rear Admiral (少将 Shōshō?)
- Commodore (准将 Junshō?)
- Captain (大佐 Taisa?)
- Commander (中佐 Chūsa?)
- Lieutenant Commander (少佐 Shōsa?)
- Lieutenant (大尉 Taii?)
- Lieutenant Junior Grade (中尉 Chūi?)
- Ensign (少尉 Shōi?
If you meet Gramps, just run away!!He's so damn strong!!
Worlds Nobles
Robin: World nobles are the descendants of the 20 kings who established the world goverment.
they're have special previllage to give an order to the admiral. They're allowed to kill peoples if they wish to.
Thank you Robin
Sanji:Robin-chwan so smart
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